6 self knowledge books you need to read!

For those who don't know where they want to go, any path will do. Be the protagonist of your story and decide to live better today!

Know yourself, this maxim of Socrates will show you that by knowing yourself you will be able to grow personally and professionally! These summaries will give you a new perspective on life as well as emotional management. Check out these self-knowledge successes now!

For you who live stressed and complaining, Nietzsche has news to give you! Know the root of your problems and get rid of them! Nowadays, we are surrounded by a lot of unnecessary information, as Ockham's razor principle explains, eliminate everything that is not useful and leave only the essentials!

Emotional Intelligence, as the name of the book says, will provide you with moments of reflection on your attitudes and how they influence your life journey. Well-being and self-confidence are directly linked to your mental health, having positive conversations with you can make the difference for starting your day well.

Discover your weaknesses and strengthen them, but that doesn't mean you should forget about your strengths, rejoice in your achievements and the unique skills and point of view only you have, learning from the book by Tony Robbins, writer and a highly successful North American speaker.

Follow the history and mentoring of these best sellers, learn from the mistakes of others, gain experience about life, about daily life and for your purpose as a human being. We hope to help you face all obstacles by inspiring you with these stories specially selected for you, dear reader.

Embark on this adventure with us and get rid of your problems!

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