The Dip - Seth Godin

The Dip - Seth Godin

Stop insisting on outdated ideas or those that are not giving you the expected return! Learn when to insist on what will really bring you success.

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Some people give up easily. Some don't give up even when it hurts a lot. None of these attitudes are good, much less healthy. Seth Godin brings in the book "The Dip" precious tips to rethink your attitudes and finally make the right choices!

There are also those people who see giving up as a form of reorientation toward what they really want to achieve. In fact, you can't be the best at everything, but you can be the best at what's good for you.

To be successful, there is no other way whether making the right decisions, saving money and time! Got interested to be that person? Stay with us in this summary!

About the book "The Dip"

"The Dip", is an inspiring and reflexive work by Seth Godin, who is a reference in the business world.

Originally released in 2007, the book teaches when to give up and when to hold on to an opportunity. It brings reflections on the curves of failure and the curve of success - the depth.

About the author Seth Godin

Seth Godin is responsible for major bestsellers, including

A reference in the business world, he is the founder and CEO of the Squidoo platform and is one of the most popular business bloggers in the world.

Seth also spreads his knowledge as a speaker, motivating people with marketing and leadership lessons and insights.

To whom is this book indicated?

The content of "The Dip" is committed to making people understand the meaning of giving up and giving up what doesn't add up to them, to insisting on what they were born to be the best.

Main ideas of the book "The Dip"

  • Success is not about luck;
  • Winners give up all the time, however, they know the right time to give up;
  • If you want to be the best in the world, you can't try to do everything;
  • Performance is defined by the relationship between effort and result;
  • Depth is the success curve, as it opens up a competitive advantage in the marketplace;
  • Knowing when to give up is essential to knowing when to seize an opportunity;
  • The opposite of giving up in depth is exploring new strategy alternatives, not waiting for something to happen, or doing everything from scratch.

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[Book Summary] The Dip - Seth Godin

Overview: Being the best in the world is seriously underrated

Being number one has nothing to do with luck. There are many who are trying the same thing, but what sets them apart from a small portion of successful people?

One of the biggest factors is perseverance. When we encounter an obstacle on the way, we are more susceptible to thinking about failures and reasons for giving up the victory.

And many people give up, thinking they weren't made for that. Then comes that famously misguided advice about winners: "Quitters never win, and winners never quit".

However, the reality is very different from that. Seth Godin states that winners give up all the time. The difference is: "They give up the right thing at the right time".

Just think: Do you really think they know how to do everything? Of course not. They prioritize what they really want to be the highlight. Seth Godin says you can't try to do everything if you want to be the best in the world.

Do not think of the "world" as planet Earth itself. "World" is the environment in which you want to be the main reference. The best lawyer, the best artist, or the number 1 consulting firm.

We always narrow our choices to the best references. Keep in mind that companies do the same to you.

Overview: The curves of failure

Our performance is defined by the relationship that effort has to results. Great fruits are likely to come with great efforts. But now, if you have realized that no matter how hard you work, the results are virtually nil.

There are two types of typical curves that represent the failure of a job: "The Cul-de-Sac" and "The Cliff".

The first of them says that your effort is not impacting anything on the results at all. His work is in the "dead region" of productivity.

"The Cliff" represents that situation where results have appeared as you strive. But at a certain point, that doesn't happen anymore, and then it's just downhill.

The Cliff and The Cul-de-Sac Graphic

The image was taken from the book.

The author says the cliff case is rare, but it is the scariest. Think like an addiction. As you see benefits, it becomes harder to give up. And you can't give up until you fall dramatically (contracting a disease, for example), just like everything around you.

These are the two curves you should avoid so as not to fall into something that will not benefit you. And knowing how to give up on them is critical to stick to the curve that leads you to success!

Overview: "The Depth" - The Success Curve

The Dip Graphic

The image was taken from the book.

Life is made of ups and downs. Starting a job can be very exciting and provide great results. But all that is worth, at a certain point, goes deep.

This is the long moment "between the beginning and mastery", says the author. In fact, it is not really long, it turns out that the good performance from the beginning makes you want to walk faster and faster to reach your destination.

Depth is what will differ if you can be the best in the world, or if you are just a lucky beginner. Note that deep down you should not just let "the wave take you". This is the time to work harder and show what you can do!

Change the rules of the game. Depth can be a great opportunity for you to create something no one else has done. That way, the competition will have to face a much deeper curve to overcome you.

Be unique!

It is the depth that creates a shortage in the market because few can survive it. Scarcity, in turn, adds value to this small portion, that is, the best in the world. Be exceptional or get out. Seth Godin says that "average is for losers"!

Overview: The subtle art of knowing when to give up

"It's okay to give up sometimes. In fact, it's okay to give up often."

If you're in a dead-end, and there's nothing you can do to get the project going, get out.

If you think you can't be the best or don't have the resources to take your foot off the mud, give it up. This does not mean giving up everything when you are going through a bad time. This has to do with the strategic output.

Let's say we're in a supermarket. There are those who, as they head toward the checkout line, choose to enter the shortest one. There are those who enter the shortest but change their queue once another gets smaller. And there are those who keep switching from a queue to queue until it can be answered.

Don't be the last group of people. Skip from queue to queue does not allow you to face a challenge in a row. Similarly, this tells how your relationship with your projects may be.

You will be "starting from scratch" every time a seemingly better and easier opportunity comes up. And you will receive very little recognition of how far you have walked in the old project. "And that will cost you a lot of time and money", says the author.

Before giving up, ask yourself the 3 questions:

  1. Am I having a panic attack?
  2. Who am I trying to influence?
  3. What kind of measurable progress am I making?

Don't think that the opposite of giving up in the Deep is sitting around waiting for a miracle to happen. On the other hand, this has to do with pursuing a new strategy to combat the problem at hand.

"Depth is flexible". Allow yourself to explore untapped alternatives, challenge authority. Turn the moment you are ready to give up to the thought that you have nothing to lose. Go deep!

"Never give up something with great long-term potential just because you can't handle stress right now."

What do other authors say about it?

In "Grinding It Out" Ray Kroc, one of the founders of McDonald's, says to find our differential. Don't be overwhelmed by a mistake that will give you up on your dream. Even the most successful people had overcome many failures that are part of the path to success.

According to Caio Carneiro, author of the book, "Seja Foda!", Success is 99% made of failure. Moreover, if you consider failure as the opposite of success, you will not build anything productive, since every failure is just a step on the ladder of your success.

In "Principles", Ray Dalio will show you what dream, reality, and determination will make you achieve a successful life by having the principles of life and work go together with an open mind. For this, Ray will make you understand how your mistakes have contributed to your growth because it is this evolution that will lead you to victory.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

  • Do what you like to be nothing short of the best in the world;
  • If no matter how hard you try, you have no results, give up;
  • Create a curve so deep that your competitors will not be able to pass it;
  • Before actually giving up, ask yourself the 3 questions mentioned above;
  • You can be the best in the world with what you have a passion for. Just go deep!

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Book 'The Dip'