7 books on successful Brazilians

Get to know the history of great Brazilian entrepreneurs and change their reality in the face of life's adversities.

Do you know the difference between you and an Olympic athlete? No? Check out how Guga has the discipline to win despite so many difficulties on the court and in his personal life. We all have problems, the focus on solving them must be greater than the importance we attach to them.

Moving from the world of sport to the business world, we have several examples of entrepreneurs who are in the educational field, such as Flávio Augusto, founder of Wise Up, in addition to this branch, the entertainment sector made a great fortune for Silvio Santos, accountant, who is loved throughout Brazil.

With these 7 fantastic summaries and an open mind to transform your life, you will see that the world will become a friendlier place and maybe even invite you for a cup of coffee. Luciana Medeiros' book will show you that in the land of coffee, an innovative idea can give you a very successful cappuccino!

Check out the main teachings of these references from the business world who are internationally recognized Brazilians! Have you thought about how to get inspired to start your entrepreneurial process? Who knows, until the end of this trail, you might awaken a millionaire idea?

Come on this journey with great Brazilian personalities, it will be a transformative path with no return! After all, giving you tips on how to improve will always be our goal here!

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