Organize Tomorrow Today - Dr. Jason Selk, Tom Bartow, Matthew Rudy

Organize Tomorrow Today - Dr. Jason Selk, Tom Bartow, Matthew Rudy

Have you ever imagined being able to become mentally stronger, an organized person and succeed in your professional and personal life? Discover here how to be that person!

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All of us, or at least the vast majority, are seeking constant improvement. We want to be the best version of ourselves, achieve what we have always dreamed and grow in all aspects. But to do it, you must be organized, and Dr. Jason Selk, Tom Bartow and Matthew Rudy teaches you that in the book "Organize Tomorrow Today".

Often, the result is a stagnant life that we want something, but we don't know what to do to change.

If you fit in this profile, and want to reach a new level in your life, through a good reading, which provides 8 ways to reprogram your mind, just stay with us in this summary and find out some answers you are looking for!

About the book "Organize Tomorrow Today"

The book "Organize Tomorrow Today" was written by Dr. Jason Selk, Tom Bartow, and Matthew Rudy. The work was released by Da Capo Life Long Books, published in 2015 and is found in the English language.

The book is composed of 235 pages divided mainly into 8 chapters, the work brings simplified suggestions of changes to the life of the reader, who is seeking personal development, along with cases that occurred to exemplify its application.

About the authors Dr. Jason Selk, Tom Bartow and Matthew Rudy

Tom Bartow was a famous college basketball coach who left his career to become one of the world's greatest financial advisors and coaches.

Matthew Rudy is the author and co-author of 28 books on sports, personal development, performance, travel, and more.

Dr. Jason Selk is one of the most famous sports coaches, author of several books, he also writes recurrently for Forbes magazine.

To whom is this book indicated?

This book is for those who need a little help to get their lives in order.

For people who like tips to "reprogram" the brain, organization advices and top performers, fans of top performers, successful and curious people in these areas.

Main ideas of the book "Organize Tomorrow Today"

  • Most people underestimate or ignore the power of the mind. Don't be one of those people;
  • Organizing your life will bring you much closer to achieving your goals.
  • The biggest battle you will face is against yourself. Seek to beat most of them;
  • The way you talk to yourself and others is crucial to the outcome you will achieve;
  • Escape from normality. What we really should look for is the abnormality.

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[Book Summary] Organize Tomorrow Today - Dr. Jason Selk, Tom Bartow, Matthew Rudy

Overview: Organize tomorrow, today

The book "Organize Tomorrow Today" begins with the chapter that focuses on the importance of organization prior to action. We all need to find our motivation, it's our fuel to improve our lives.

What many people do not understand is that although our mind is an incredible and powerful machine, it also has limitations. There is no point in wanting to do and focus on countless things at the same time because we will not be successful.

Thus, the first teachings to put into practice are what the authors call "3 Most Important" and "1 Must". Basically, you need to select the three most important activities for that day and among them one you should do, which cannot end the day without completing it.

Successful people do not try to do everything every day but the most important thing that must be done. And remember, a body in motion tends to stay in motion. So start searching and doing what really matters.

Overview: Choose wisely

Choosing wisely may sound difficult at first, but let's simplify it a little for you. Simply put, this may be one of the keywords for this chapter because we care a lot about quantity and not quality.

Being busy doesn't mean being productive, quite the contrary.

Productive people know how to focus, they don't make lists full of minor activities, set unrealistic goals, and devote themselves wholly to essential tasks, not wasting energy on other things.

By learning to accomplish something you desire, you begin to learn to believe in yourself. With each realization, that confidence builds and gives you the energy to do more and more.

Also, remember that failing is often linked to lack of discipline or an unrealistic goal. Be precise, simple and know the direction to follow!

We must keep in mind that saying no to what deviates our focus is crucial. When we say yes to something, we are saying no to everything else. So think, where do you want to target your "yes"?

Overview: Maximize your time

We know that day has 24 hours for everyone, but why do some people enjoy their day so much more than others?

Here the focus is on the word priority. As we mentioned earlier, doing a few small unimportant tasks does not make you productive but busy.

Thinking about the three most important tasks helps us think about the most efficient and productive way to accomplish them. It's not just about making the most of your time, it's about "creating" more time.

"If you have more than two free minutes between one important activity and another, you have time to advance a simple task."

Take advantage of short breaks such as time on the bus to go home, time in the corridor between leaving a meeting and returning to your office, coffee break.

In this way, those moments that would be "lost" turns in productivity.

After all, it is not because you have your three most important tasks set that you will have no other duties during the day. Even within the least important activities, there are those that have priority. Leave procrastination aside and get your hands dirty!

Overview: Win your battles

In this chapter, habits are worked out so that we can understand them. The authors Dr. Jason Selk, Tom Bartow and Matthew Rudy that the idea of a formed habit is not correct, but that it is getting stronger or weaker at every moment.

This is directly linked to stimulate and engage in certain actions or put them aside.

Knowing this, we should weaken bad habits, strengthen good ones, and create new habits that are even better.

There are phases we go through that make it difficult to become natural, spontaneous. Let's talk a little about them:

  • The first stage is not bad and seems to be one of the best. Honeymoon is the beginning when you are motivated, willing to do whatever it takes and get it for a short time. This phase is great and you feel capable of anything;
  • The second is "Battles". It is at this stage that you are gradually making little excuses for not doing what you set out to do, thinking that failing to do one day will not really bother you, wondering if you really get it or need it. Here are some tips for winning your battles:
  • Try to perform the new task on the same days and times. This will make it more natural, without requiring much effort to plan, think about availability and avoid possible excuses, as you have that separate time for the new habit;
  • Acknowledge that you are going through a battle. This helps to understand what is going on and what you have to fight against;
  • By winning a battle, the next one becomes easier. Believe!
  • Ask yourself two things: "How will I feel if I win this battle". The second is: "How will I feel if I don't win this battle"; Remember that emotion causes action, whether positive or negative;
  • For 30 seconds, imagine yourself 5 years from now. How will you be if you can change, but this habit into practice and improve your life? Visualization is a powerful weapon. Do not forget it!
  • After winning a series of battles, we reach the "Instinctive" stage. You already do this naturally and you don't have to think about it too much, what is great! Just beware of three villains at this stage:
  • "The Demotivation Monster": When we work hard for something and see no immediate results, it can affect and make us want to give up. Do not give up! Often the result takes time, but it comes!
  • "The routine break": Who has never been firm and strong on a diet until the holiday season arrives and ends it? This break can be very harmful as it can break this cycle and make it much harder to put into practice again;
  • "The Seduction of Success": When you think you are successful enough that you don't have to work harder, you can postpone or not do it for a day or two. To avoid falling for this false idea, try to do a little more than you usually do when you have this thought.

Overview: Evaluate correctly

Everyone thinks that knowledge is power, but knowledge without being put into practice is just knowledge. You need to use it to grow and that includes self-knowledge and self-assessment.

If you don't evaluate yourself correctly, the results can be disastrous and you will never see improvements.

Most people focus on what they couldn't do, and ignore everything they did.

Be realistic, understand what you have accomplished and analyzed why you have not done the other things. Succeeding requires a strong and constant dedication to improvement.

As stated earlier, unrealistic goals are counterproductive, they only let you down when, in reality, they don't match the goal.

Another issue is not just focusing on results but also on processes. That way you can adapt the way you do things for better results.

Remember that results-focused goals must be fully measurable and high, and process-focused goals must be completely in your control.

Overview: Learn to talk to yourself

It is common to talk with all love and affection with people we like, support them, be understanding.

But as common as the first statement is that when we talk to us, we don't have that same empathy. We overcharge ourselves, focus on the negatives, find ourselves insufficient, and so on.

Dr. Jason Selk, Tom Bartow and Matthew Rudy says that we must direct this internal dialogue to be positive, after all, what we say directs what we believe.

Try to think of all your positives and the person you want to be. So your mind will slowly transform you into that person. When you are feeling down and thinking about negative things, identify this as soon as possible and cut it off.

You must be your biggest supporter and enthusiast!

Here is a mental exercise to put into practice and improve your thoughts:

  • Focus on the breath (inhale for 6 seconds, hold for 2 and exhale for 7);
  • Affirmation of identity (a positive dialogue about you);
  • Personal highlight (think about your past achievements and what you will achieve in the future);

Overview: Learn how to talk to others

If you have the best information in the world and can't or won't share it, what is it for?

Knowing how to disseminate information is very important. Preparing to share something is crucial to a positive and satisfying outcome.

The first step, when presenting something, is to write down what will be said. This way you will organize your thoughts, delete unimportant information, start and finish your thinking and the best you can rehearse.

Try to think about what you would do if you only had a minute to talk about it, and you will get to the core of your information. Do this with 5 minutes, 4, 3, 2 and 1.

The second important step is to control the speed with which you pass this information. Remember that you may be familiar with the topic but not listeners.

By speaking slowly, the message is delivered more clearly, as well as giving viewers confidence. Fast-talking can show nervousness.

By slowing down, you also have more time to think about what to say and to listen to each other. Divide the block presentation so you know what you are talking about at any given moment, the focus will be kept on each part and the result will be more organized.

After splitting, practice in front of the mirror as many times as you need until it is natural and stored in your mind with the best result.

Overview: Become not normal

To conclude, in this last chapter the book "Organize Tomorrow Today" focus on escaping from normality. People have a tendency to be normal but do not understand that this makes them average.

To be a successful person, the first step is to escape from this standard, strive for excellence and work hard at it, because it is neither quick nor easy.

To be abnormal, you must have the ability to deal with adversity, not despair about it, and learn from it.

You should avoid excuses, especially those that are more acceptable and plausible. Even under these conditions, they are nonetheless excuses and get you out of the way of success.

An obstacle only exists to be overcome, so focus on the solution and not the problem.

Remember that energy flows where you focus. Don't increase your problem just by thinking about it. Focus on how to solve it and achieve what you want.

Oh, never forget that the solution is a process. You will rarely solve a problem with just one action. You usually solve it in parts. Accept responsibility for both failure and success. Do not run from either.

When you fail, understand why and rethink how not to fail again. As you succeed, see your potential and your hard work to achieve what you set out.

Don't waste your time thinking about things that are out of your control. Focus on what you can control and change these things.

When facing a problem, for example, instead of thinking about it and yourself, give yourself 60 seconds to solve it with things under your control. This keeps you focused on where you should be and positively.

What do other authors say about it?

In "Start With Why", Simon Sinek will help you find your purpose to build prosperity by learning to unite people who also believe on it and keeping you alive within the organization.

In "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck", Mark Manson presents a different way of dealing with life, as he says, turning the f*ck on is different from being disinterested. By this way, we are exposed to three subtleties that make us realize that there are tiny problems that we care about and shouldn't.

In "Life-Changing Secrets", written by the 3 Masters of Success: Napoleon Hill, Joseph Murphy and Dale Carnegie, states there are several lessons about success, which is linked, according to the work, to a personal plan that must be executed using the powers of the human subconscious.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

This reading brought amazing tips that are easy to understand and put into practice. We often look for complex solutions for our problems and set aside the obvious, right there, to achieve our goals.

So, we have separated for you some topics in order to facilitate the application of the book's main ideas in your life:

  • Start planning the next day the day before;
  • Choose your 3 most important tasks and one that you must complete;
  • Remember that the brain can only focus on a few things. Do not be overwhelmed with information and tasks;
  • Use the short time intervals between the most important tasks to complete other tasks on your list. Using this short period that was once wasted creates more time in your day;
  • Turn a more complex action into smaller actions so that you can gradually complete them and feel able and accomplished;
  • Win your little battles, recognize each stage of them. Remember that when you win one, the next becomes easier;
  • Know how to recognize what you want but also what you did correctly;
  • Be kind to yourself, you will see the big difference in your life;
  • Visualize what you want and direct your thoughts to success;
  • Know what to talk to others, prepare, write, rehearse, speak more slowly and slowly;
  • Focus on the things you can control, not those beyond your control;
  • Check for abnormality.

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Book 'Organize Tomorrow Today'