Tools of Titans - Tim Ferris

Tools of Titans - Tim Ferris

Successful people have already faced several challenges to reach the place where they are today. Discover the habits and tools used by them to achieve wealth and prosperity!

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Renowned bestselling author Tim Ferriss has put together in his book, "Tools of Titans", several interviews with successful people, in which they tell about their challenges faced along the path of success and the habits practiced daily that contributed to the achievement of your personal goals.

The book offers insights on time management, routine organization, productivity, career focus, and increased income.

Want to know more? So continue reading this PocketBook and become a titan yourself!

The book "Tools of Titans"

"Tools of Titans" was released in 2017 and includes more than 130 interviews conducted by the author Tim Ferris, in addition to the lessons learned from each of them.

Among the interviews, we can mention Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tony Robbins, Kevin Costner, Jamie Foxx, Ed Catmull, and Paulo Coelho.

Throughout its three chapters that address health, wealth, and wisdom, Tim Ferris offers us 765 pages of discussions and insights that you can apply to your reality and thus become a titan!

Who is Tim Ferriss?

Tim Ferriss is multifunctional. He is an entrepreneur, speaker, writer, angel investor, and has a podcast, "The Tim Ferriss Show", in which he conducted the interviews that served as the basis for the book "Tools of Titans".

He was also the author of bestsellers as "The 4-Hour Workweek" and "The 4-Hour Body", and he keeps the blog "tim. blog", where he publishes content.

Why should I read it?

The book "Tools of Titans" is suitable for all people who seek to improve their lives and gain knowledge. With the teachings compiled by Tim Ferriss, it will be possible for you to evolve from the experiences of successful people.

What are the key points of the book "Tools of Titans"?

Throughout this PocketBook, we will cover the following topics:

  • Be healthy: have habits that will make your life better;
  • Seek success: set your goals, strategize, be persistent, and thus your chances of being rich will grow;
  • Develop your wisdom: being wise is critical to your development and to the application of all your ideas.

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[Book Summary] Tools of Titans - Tim Ferriss

Part I - Healthy

The first part of the book "Tools of Titans" brings good practices on how to have a healthier life. Interviewing great athletes, coaches, researchers, and doctors, the author Tim Ferriss covers topics with some curiosities and practices that he experienced:

  • About 80% of respondents have some method of meditation, from the simplest to the most complex. We realize that seeking to be focused helps your development and contributes to your success;
  • Taking a cold shower in the morning helps you to be more prepared for the day, improve your mood, and make you healthier. But do not start straight into the ice bath! A good way to start is to gradually lower the temperature so that your body will become accustomed to the low temperatures;
  • There is no right formula for health. Each person will react in a way to each thing and the best way to find out how it works for you is experiencing;
  • Matt Mullenweg, the original developer of the WordPress platform, says "if you want to get fit, commit to doing just one flexion per day". There is no arguing against doing just one push a day. With this, he demonstrates the importance of creating habits;
  • Former US gymnastics coach Christopher Sommer talks about the importance of exercise and stretching for our health. But for that, it takes persistence. Many people can not even stretch, so do stretches and you'll have more energy;
  • Breakfast is a controversial subject. While some people have great results skipping this meal, others can achieve their goals from a strong, balanced breakfast. That is, this item is adaptable according to the realities and needs of each person;
  • Having a morning ritual is very important. Regardless of which ritual to follow, creating a morning routine makes you more disposed, more productive, and feels better. As the book says, "Whoever wins the morning, wins the day".

Part II - Rich

Now that we've learned tips for living healthier, it's time to learn tips for a desire of many: to get rich!

Take a risk and seek to grow

Chris Sacca invested in several startups in their early stages, among them Uber, Twitter, and Instagram. But for this, Chris started from the bottom: he was present at every possible meeting, including those he had not been invited to.

According to author Tim Ferriss in his book "Tools of Titans", Chris just came in, sat down, and said he would take notes. And it worked! In this way, he got high-level positions in companies.

Get a clear view of your goals

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tony Robbins, and Scott Adams are some of those who stress that you need to know where you're going and what you want. Then you need to make that clear in your head and strive to achieve those goals.

Tony Robbins, great coaching about performance, for example, does a daily morning preparation on what he's going to make happen that day.

Learn how to handle the price of your product and what strategy to follow

Marc Andreessen, Silicon Valley's big businessman, is in favor of the strategy of valuing your product and increase their prices.

According to him, we must know when to use the strategy of the lowest possible price, because it is not always effective and several people have already failed with this.

Understand how to adapt

Arnold Schwarzenegger is Austrian with a loaded accent and was a bodybuilder in the 70s. When trying his acting career, there were not many roles that fit his profile.

Thus, he created a niche that suited his characteristics and got characters like The Terminator and Conan, who leapfrogged his career.

Define your priorities

A great programmer and founder of an independent music sales platform that has been sold for millions of dollars, Derek Sivers teach you that you do not get "busy", in fact, you're just out of control of your time.

That is, if you're out of time for something, it's because you did not give priority to that and, as Tim Ferriss adds:

"If I'm busy, it's because I made choices that put me in that position."

Have ideas and develop them

The book "Tools of Titans" stresses that if you are with difficulty in developing new ideas, it is good that you have many simple ideas, because of these thoughts, at least one could be developed into a great idea.

The author also quotes:

"Have bad ideas, because from them come to good ideas."

Part III - Wise

It is no use to be healthy and wealthy if we do not know how to act wisely and develop at all times. So, Tim Ferriss presents us with the following lessons to become wiser:

Make failure a step to success

Learn from your failings and understand how to improve from that, for as Hollywood director Francis Ford Coppola says:

"Failure is not lasting."

Be persistent

Did you know that Paulo Coelho, one of the greatest Brazilian writers, procrastinates when writing his books?

As explained by author Tim Ferriss in his book "Tools of Titans", most of the morning he spends fighting procrastination, but when he sits down thinking of writing only half an hour, he ends up writing for ten hours.

For that, it takes persistence for him to continue writing and ideas can flow.

Be innovative

Do not be afraid of challenges, testing new ideas, and innovating. You have to be brave because by doing something risky, you are doing what others have not wanted to do.

Question Yourself

The work "Tools of Titans" brings the idea that good questions generate good answers. In other words, when we ask ourselves, we can formulate answers to our questions and, in this way, we can have the best ideas.

Books about leadership and mental attitude

Complementing the idea of part II, value the ideas of internal employees. Not recognizing internal talents, in addition to being a waste of Lean Manufacturing, is a concept very well explained in the work "The Leadership Pipeline".

In it, authors Ram Charan, Stephen Drotter, and James Noel show how an internal leadership development program can be essential to achieve a competitive advantage.

The author of "Traction", Gino Wickman, explores how successful entrepreneurs have an attractive and well-defined vision for their business. In addition, they know how to communicate this message to employees.

In this way, a guideline is created to be followed by everyone within the organization, always used to develop solutions and guide strategic actions.

Finally, in the book "Mindset", by psychologist Carol S. Dweck, it is debated how our beliefs shape our behavior and our growth. While mindsets produce definitive worldviews, people can change as they learn new skills.

Human beings can be taught to react in different ways, how to face challenges, and think differently.

So, how can I use these tools in my life?

  • Define what tips presented most fit into your reality;
  • Think about how each of them will be applied in your life;
  • Put it into practice;
  • Learn from the mistakes: If a tip did not work, go ahead and look for new ways to improve;
  • Enjoy success!

Finally, we advise you to reflect on the following question asked by the founder of PayPal:

"If you have a ten-year plan to get somewhere, you have to ask yourself: why do not I do it in six months?"

Based on that, what is missing for you to get your ideas off the ground and put them into practice?

Take advantage of all the learning acquired in the book "Tools of Titans" and focus on execution.

Now it's up to you!

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Book “Tools of Titans”